Thursday, September 27, 2007,
Alot of things has happened and most of them are not really that good. The two exam papers i have took recently, Social Studies and English, are average but i do not have any confident in scoring a high mark. Others are catching up and are working real hard for their examinations which is a good thing for them and i feel happy for them. Yet my academics are dropping and they are better than me. Don't really know what is the problem..... Even my CCA, the Outstanding Scout Award. Out of 10 i was in the 10. Very disappointing.....oh well, HQ.....never mind i can go for other achievements......It seems that the good things that are happening to is coming to an end. I once flew high up into that wide open sky and had everything but now i have landed, not gently but a hard one......saddening, really want to cry.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
3:20 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007,
Finally, i got to sleep a 11 hours (so happy but sad still not enough......) Today go out with is like finally i can to rest then still to go out. It's like a few months i last went out with my family so just go out with them once in a while ba.....
Nothing to do then go take a quiz on my current favorite game, Ace Combat, it's fun and the story is very very nice and engrossing. My result.....
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War - Ace Style Examination
 You are a Knight Ace...You fight in order to right injustice and protect those who cannot protect themselves. You view the act of air combat as an art form a deadly waltz at 10,000 feet. Your loyalties belong to the nation that is true need of your help and is able to support you logistically. You recognize the chain of command but you live and fight by your own sense of honor and duty. Your abilities in the air are beyond any form of reproach but are not afraid to admit that you can be bested. You think tactically and would rather about maneuver your opponent than take them out with a long-range missile. Your enemy is your equal if they respect you, you respect them. If they fail to do so, they will be taught manners. You refuse to kill unless absolutely necessary and aim to neutralize the battlefield rather than annihilate it. The enemy pilots respect you for your chivalry in the air and for your restraint in combat. You fight every one of your battles with the utmost respect for your adversary and destroy all those who would act to hurt innocents or your allies. The world forever remembers you as the "King of the Round Table." Take this quiz!

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Haha, never expected that. Also i finally got to the second out of the three page of the music i want to play on piano. Nothing to do then go play, play.Added music from Ace Combat 5 and Zero too. I really like the guitar from Zero and the Choir for both. Music might not be the one you guys listen but hey, it's my blog. Anyways, go iron school uniform liao if not tomorrow no uniform go school.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:37 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007,
Wahhh, dying soon la. Every night only sleep for like 7 hours, morning wake up blur blur de walk also like zombie. Everyday is so pack la after school go here go there. Thought after NDP workload should lighten a bit but it seems to be heavier.....Never mind, take it as a test of manhood (lol) How i wish i can relax or have some entertainment even though i don't really study at home.....but the workload WILL DIE AR !! Feeling like a processor that have been over clocked too much. Then Outstanding Scout Award presentation on the 2nd October at Tanah Merah Golf Club 1730......Why must on weekday, HQ no brain......somemore at east side but at least got president there to give the highest award la. Tml got physics go through notes first then sleep.....
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
7:40 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007,
Tired, real tired. I need 12 hours of rest per day dude.....on Wednesday, i went for the outstanding scout interview. Suppose to end at 10pm la but don't know why end at 11pm, reach home at 12.30am. Then need got school tomorrow at school like want to die like that so tired, no mood to study la. This week very very tiring and only the 1st week of school reopen i wonder how the hell am i going to survive. I hope the holidays come soon but i do not want the time to pass so fast.....i still got hell lots of thing i want to do this year...........Ahhhh someone save me >_> I want to talk to someone. (lol)
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:46 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007,
School Reopen
Sian la, school reopen liao. Boring nia, the same old routine again before the holidays or should say at the very beginning of the year.....>_> Final year Exam coming, it is on the 25th September and lucky for me no N-level cause i am in the Through Train Program. Still to study though....
Tomorrow also got interview for the Outstanding Scout Award 2007. Got to prepare, scare go there nervous then become last 5 or something like that....Must be positive. Go iron uniform liao.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
6:45 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007,
Wah die la, left two days of holidays still got homework have not do finish, must faster do. That aside first. I finally got pictures of the VLC and group photo XD

Haha VLC 2008

(Picture freaking big 3000x 2008)

Me and the Flag XD
Nowadays damn boring nothing to do at home but don't feel like going out also. >_>
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
5:34 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007,
Day camp
Yea, over liao. Day camp tiring....I overall in charge. Quite successful la, i hope they learn quite a lot of things la and pass a amount of stuff for their progress. Yesterday was leg and hand tired because got to overlook and "do" footdrill with them. Today, mouth tired because today all theory, talk talk talk. Teach first aid through talking, ask them do spar shed and give a lecture on leadership for like 5 hour. Talk non-stop. Anyways, i tired like siao now, go Zzzzz at 11pm. Better sleep till 10-11am tomorrow, must sleep at least 11-12 hours. =D
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:28 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007,
Tired sia, went to a cub scout camp at Marsiling Primary at 31th August. Go there be camp staff quite fun, got lots of interesting and stupid things that happened during the camp. On first day during camp development, the cub scouts was pitching their tent. Then Hazmi and i took photo of a beautiful scene up in the sky.

Beautiful right ? Got the sacred feeling to it.
Then Hazmi didn't get to take it as the cloud is moving then he chase the cloud then and i took another one.
Then flag got problem ask me go and do cause i the only one wearing full uniform...then wen hao took a picture of me when i saluting....that picture can go make poster liao so "nice".

Then at night, Hazmi want to talk to girl on the phone and set alarm at 0430. The alarm damn irritating. Got so fed up cause the alarm so loud he haven't wake up. (What the hell...)
Then last day a tent bag missing then we warp it up with ground sheet. In the end , it looks like a sweet. (lol, lazy to adjust go click picture for clearer image ba.) Go home sleep till today 1300.
Anyway, i search my picture folder, dig, dig and i found this.
Good old memories. This was taken during one of the CR nearing 9th August. I was beside the Parade Commander. XD

Thats it for now. Good luck to my classmates that are taking 'N' Levels.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
2:10 PM