Wednesday, December 31, 2008,
Last post in 2008 and few mins more before i travel in time and appear in 2009 ! Wow, this year has been a meaningful and fun year. A lot of stuffs have happen and I will remember it for as long as my brain allows me to. Actually i remember quite a lot of stuffs, sometimes i just choose to act blur. Haha. Well, shall be posting next year. =)
Adios Kids.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:56 PM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008,
Valkyrie Profile
This post is about the game Valkyrie Profile. Originally a game created for PSX (PS1) and was remake for PSP. I played this game with the PSP last year and completed it. Recently I was bored and I played it again. Both times I play, both time I "fell in love" with the game. The game is just great that it doesn't feel old even though I played it before.
You play as the Lenneth Valkyrie, Chooser of the Slain or Battle Maiden. Out of the 3 Valkyrie, she is the middle child and strongest. (Stated by Lord Odin himself) So in game, Lord Odin heard that Ragnarok, the End of World, is coming and requires warriors for the upcoming war. You, as a Valkyrie, must down to Midgard (Earth) and collect souls of heroes that die. They are known as Einherjar. They serve as warriors and will be send up to Valhalla. However, that is much more to the story than this. There are 3 endings, A (Best),B and C (More like a Game over)
There will be some things that you will need to do in order to get the A ending and the full story of the game will be there.
Battle System
Here is a picture of the Battle

The battle is conducted in a turn by turn basis. That means, your party hit, turn end, enemy hit, turn end, repeat. You control your party with the four buttons and the character will attack according to the button pressed. The amount of time they attack depends on the weapon itself (Up to a maximum of 3 times). Also, you will be able to perform Purify Weird Soul, PWS (Finishing moves) when the gauge besides the hit counters hit 100. PWS can be really powerful and spectacular. =) Button Mashing is a no go because the characters attacks differently. For example, A hits the enemy in the air, B slides but never hit the enemy. So it is better for B to slide first before hitting the enemy up into the air. Timing is pretty important. There are more things that affect the tide of battle but this are the basics.
The song "The Unfinished Battle with God Syndrome" is place in my playlist. It is a official arrangement of the song Fighting the Shadowy Gods. Fighting the Shadowy Gods is the battle song for the battles, so the one in my playlist is pretty similar to it but nicer in my opinion. The musics are quite nice and it fits the game pretty well. Besides, FIRST TIME I GOT TECHNO MUSIC IN MY PLAYLIST !!! is a picture.

Picture of the 3 Valkyrie. The eldest is the one black armor. Her name is Hrist. She has a dark personality and the cold looks. In my opinion, I think that she is great.
The one with the wings is Silmeria, the youngest. She is the kindest of all three. The one with sliver hair is Lenneth, the middle child and the one you will be playing as. =D
Haha, i guess that i am back into the Valkyrie Profile craze. My bro just bought Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria and is on the way from America. XD
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:19 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008,
And here I am ! Back to update to this blog ! Well, this few days i am having quite a little fun. Not only playing Fallout 3, i just bought a new game titled "Left 4 Dead". It's a game that emphasize on cooperation as you and 3 other people (Player or AI) complete the level while fighting off the zombie horde. I do not really know what is the story about but it seems like an infection which cause people to be zombie like. HELL ! No way, you are going to rush in like Rambo with guns blazing against an entire city of zombies. You will be dead within minutes. You really got to rely on your team mates while you are healing yourself, saving one of your fallen team mates, killing special infected zombies, taking down a HUGE BIG MOMMA JOMBA Tank, freeing you while you are either constricted by a Smoker or pinned down by a Hunter and of course, fighting off the huge amount of zombies. It's really quite a fun game and i had some good coop games with some of the players. Although I don't play horror games. L4D is not scary to me because i know i will have people playing and staying near me. Doesn't matter if it is an AI or player, i just feel safe with team mates during this kind of games.
I was searching for L4D in comics connection and looking for the standard packaging. I saw L4D and it was like so big, so i thought that was the mouse pad and not the game. I asked the staff and WOW ! It is the game. I was like "Wth ? This BIG ?" (The size of the package is the size of the file i used to bring along to school.) I opened it up when i got home and inside, it included a L4D mouse pad, poster and the game. It cost me $58 and i think it was worth it. Buy it on Steam and you get the game at $75 with nothing extra. (I think.)
Meanwhile, i am waiting, waiting, waiting and still waiting for a call from Mega Entertainment to say " HEY ! YOU ARE HIRED !" I really hope that i get the job. At least it beats staying at home and playing games all the time. It's fun but it is sapping my strength away day by day. Also, Scouting in my life is becoming increasing active. Well, hope that my Scouting Life will be better after the longgggg break i had from it.
I have been thinking of changing the picture i have at the top of my blog. Maybe i will put another jet fighter picture.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:50 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008,
101th post ! Naw... actually not really that special. As mentioned in the previous post, i went to the National Patrol camp at Sarimbun Campsite today. This is the first time i ever took a bus there and the journey is like so long. >_> After i alight, i was prepared to walk the 1km + road to the campsite and WHO KNOWS WHAT KIND OF LUCK I HAVE TODAY ! I step on the road and saw one of the driver asking me "Eh, you going to Sarimbun ? Come, i give you a lift." Lol i reach there in like 3 mins. I will actually take like 15 mins to walk.
So reach there and i knew i was going there to load and unload our unit resources but no....i have to wait like 2 good hours before the damn lorry arrive. So meanwhile the BP scouts that went for the camp decided to move their resource to one place first. I helped them out. It seems that the holidays have sapped my strength.......I am having difficulty lifting up 10 spars ??? Last time 10 spar is like still manageable. Now i am having problem with it. The BP scouts over there was exhausted....and oh well, have to help them since i was called to help them. So after lorry came and we load the stuffs up. They were all like dying.
So we arrived at the new campus and the paint job is like so bright. Too colorful. We unload our stuffs and off we go for a meal. Haha, treated some for them. Well, they deserved it. =D
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:34 PM