I'm not one who is able to review much about products but as promise my view on HTC Desire.
(Note: I am just saying what I think about this phone, don't come in and just throw in bullshit about Iphone been the best phone and this been crap. As usual, I do not take sides in my view.)

The box contains a micro USB cable, charger, 2GB microSD memory card, a pair of earphones, battery and the HTC desire.
Front View

Back View



This is my technically my third handphone. First one being Motorola V6 Maxx and the second HTC Touch Diamond. I find great satisfaction in using this phone after suffering 1 tormenting year with Windows Mobile.
HTC Desire comes with a 3.7" AMOLED Touchscreen display with multi-touch capability. It is able to surf the web via 3G mobile or Wi-Fi and have tons of multi-media services. The screen is pretty responsive and the colour is very vibrant and attractive with the resolution 480 X 800. It has 5 buttons at the bottom; home, menu, back and search button. I find this pretty useful as it provides quick access to needed function. The power button is on top and the volume control buttons are at the left side of the phone. The fifth button is the optical trackball, instead of find a trackball like Nexus One. Perhaps if you are lazy to move your fingers, you can choose to select things with your thumb instead.
It has a internal memory space of 512MB and can be further expanded up to 32GB with the microSD card.
Connectors on the phone is 3.5 mm Stereo Audio Jack and the standard micro USB.
The camera is 5 megapixel and comes with a LED flash, Face detection and focus capability. You can also adjust the contrast, saturation, sharpness, brightness and ISO. Some of the application online will be able to give the user some more special effects to use.
The Desire is very customizable. There are tons of options to change so that it can suit the user and it can be further enhance by downloading applications from the Android Market. However, I do not like the Force Crop when you are trying to set a new wallpaper. The phone forces you to crop the picture you want and make the wallpaper all grainy and ugly. I managed to find a way around this by getting a 1280*1024 sized picture as my wallpaper. The force crop fit the entire picture perfectly.
I find this phone very satisfying to use and very convenient. I would recommended it to people. Not a really good review but it's a first time for handphone. ;D
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:17 PM
Hurrah ! I got my HTC Desire last night from M1. My contract expired last year however since there are no phone worthy of changing. I held on to my Motorola V6 Maxx and changed to my brother's HTC Touch Diamond 1. Finally after 1 tormenting year of using Windows Mobile, I got a HTC Desire. I shall post about it some other time.
(This makes Ian phone looks like a baby toy. >=) lol jk.)
After a tiring day, I went to Ion Orchard with Gideon, Fong Wai, Jie Xun and Guo Yan for dinner at Fish & Co. The food was pretty decent but the price is steep. I am not a fan of spending money on food. However, I think it's ok once in a while. It was my first time at Ion Orchard and it just look like any other shopping mall except for the toilet. The toilet has a unique design in my opinion.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:08 PM
Today's topic is about dreams and no, it's not those dream you work towards to. The dreams I am talking about is about those you have while you are asleep. For those who knows me, I might have told you this before. I usually have nice dreams, usually about very nice houses which I can remember very clearly. I shall post about them in the next post. However, I am going to share about this dream I had last night. This may sound like a story I created but it's up to you to believe it or not.
I remembered I was going to a campfire with my friends. I entered the school and went straight to the hall. When I reached the hall, a Rover scout led me to my sit. After a while, I went to the toilet and when I stepped out of the toilet, everything start to become funky. The sky was in the evening setting and there were several hologram like projections in the sky. There were also lots of clouds forming an X similar to the one in Ghost Adventures when they went to Poveglia island. (Look up for it, go to youtube) I decided to head back into the hall and get my camera. I went in and get my camera which took only 2 mins. However, when I step out of the hall, it's night time. It's the scene you will see at night, dark sky, street lamps and stuffs. The next thing I know, I blacked out.
When I regain conscious, I was in a HDB estate and apparently I was walking a girl home. She was rather pretty but I didn't say anything and kept walking. I walked her to a provision shop and inside it there was a door. I went in with her and it was like a dorm, there were other people in there sleeping too. I bid my farewell to her and I went out. When I walked out of the shop, I was knocked down by something, I quickly got up to my feet and looked up. I saw something running into another shop. I followed it and I saw it going into the room. The HDB have several provision shop of the same design. Suddenly, fear struck me when I saw it's leg. It is all scaly and it is definitely not human. I stood still and suddenly I heard someone said "Quick, off the lights". I reached out for the switch beside me and ran out to the playground just in front of the shop.
There was a middle aged man standing there and something was sneaking up behind him. He turned around and disposed of it quickly and tells me. In order to kill them, you will have to take their ADAM. He stabs it and drain something out of it. The thing he killed was some scaly humanoid alien and it's definitely hostile. He gave me 2 vambrace, one of them contains a hidden blade and another a syringe. He told me to hold out till daylight and defend the estate. The next thing I know, I started running around draining ADAM out of the aliens. I remembered I failed to save one woman, she was been attacked and I just took out my blade and engage the alien. However, it's a tough bitch and I just plunge my syringe into him but it took the woman with him before it went down.
While I was running around killing the creatures, people starts to wake up. I worked faster to prevent anymore casualty. However, I do not know why I kept thinking about protecting the girl that I walked home as my objective. (I don't even know who she is. >_>) Daylight eventually came and those things disappeared, the middle aged man appeared behind me and patted on my shoulder saying "Good Job." and then I woke up.
I know this dream is weird and stupid. There were several references from video game as well, ADAM from Bioshock and Vambrace and hidden blade from Assassin Creed. It's a dream not a story. Maybe I shall post about the pretty houses I saw in my dreams but if only I have the skill to draw it out. However, I know the floorplan too, so it should be easy to draw that !! =D
Well, there is school tomorrow. See ya guys, hope that this is a good read for all.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:57 PM
Here I am, adding another entry to my blog.
School is interesting so far and I hope that it stay this way. Although, projects and assignments are coming in, it's pretty fun. School isn't that bad but the process of going to school is. I can't do anything about that so I will have to suck it up.
IS module is finally interesting for me. The last 2 IS module I had wasn't really that nice. CATS was crap and Com toolkit was alright. I'm taking some IS module called "Serious fun in E-gaming" now. The title may sounds stupid or something but it's fun. It is all about games and it is what I do best. You have to think like a game designer and you will learn how to appreciate games. I already know how to appreciates games but it won't hurt if I apply for a lesson.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
5:14 PM