Well, I should be sleeping now to rest my tired body because I only had 4 hours of sleep last night. Why ? stayed up late playing online games. Yes, I know, it's stupid but I need to have some fun. D=
Seriously, staying school for 10-12 hours for a few days is not fun. It's just hard to decide.
If I choose to get well rested, I get home at 8-9pm and I just sleep till 7am and greet the WONDERFUL DAY because I'm going to school again. So where the hell will the stress go ?
If I choose to have fun, I get home at 8-9pm and I play till 12-1am and sleep till 7am and I wake up to greet the WONDERFUL DAY feeling f***** up and off to school again. =_=
Hmmm, I'm thinking of changing my Rafale picture into something else...but I don't know what to change it to. Perhaps I should change it to pictures of pretty girls so that I will enjoy the process of creating the picture. XD
However seriously, I hardly find girl who I think is pretty. =_= People may just go "Minghan ! Look, chio bu !" then I will go "Chio meh ? ok la." and they get pissed off at me. >_>
I think the only girls that I find pretty are the ones that are close to my "Ideal female" which is rare...very rare. (AND NO! Don't post how good you are with girls or you are going to teach me something to woo girls. I'll fucking break you again and it is the same one possible candidate in my mind now.)
Lol, anyway I think I'm going to spend some time thinking about it. Good night readers and have a nice day. I hope. =)
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:37 PM
Alright, time to update. I had 3 consecutive long days and finally I can rest. Every night I always have the feeling that next day is going to be weekend but sadly, no. =_=
Games, games, games and more games ! That's what I do best and spend 75% of my time playing ! It's Overlord 2 !!!!

Overlord 2 is the sequel to the game Overlord a few years ago. Unlike Black and White, where you can to choose between good and evil. This game is all above pure evilness. >=) ( It's a pretty funny game too. XD )
Gameplay is pretty simple, you play as the Overlord and you have an army of minions at your disposal. Dominate or Destroy, it's all up to you. There are 4 kinds of minions. Brown, Red, Green and Blue. All of them share one common point, they can destroy objects. =)
Brown minions are melee fighters and their policy is "Bash first, jump up and down on the carcass later." They will take almost all kind of stuffs and wear it as helmets (ranging from snowball to centurion helmet) or use it as weapons (ranging from farming tools to steel weapons).
Red minions are basically your archers. This little red guys throw fireballs at their enemies and set them on fire, making them panic. It is possible to break up legion formations by doing this. However like all archers, they die easily.
Green minions are your stealth minions. They cannot survive for long or deal big damage from the front. You have to somehow flank your enemies with the greens and cause havoc. Especially when you are dealing with a single large enemy, the green do loads of damage.
Blues are your "medics". They resurrect dead minions and is the only kind of minion that can swim. They "blink" when they are going to a target. That means they go invisible. However, they are not meant of combat. They will not hit the enemies, so sending them to the front line means suicidal.
The storyline is pretty interesting, it's seems like the previous Overlord went missing and the minions are searching for a new one. People in the town of Nordberg calls you a witchboy and hates you. When the empire comes and attack the village asking them to surrender their magic users, the villagers handed you over. However, you managed to escape with the help of the minions and after 13 years, you rise again, this time as an Overlord to Dominate or bring Destruction.
The only complain I have about this game is that it's pretty short. However, I think the entertainment of this game compensates it.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
7:45 PM
Alright, time to enter a new entry. I have been noticing that I am only updating this blog like once or twice every month.....and I don't like it. I can't update this blog very often because my life is boring. Nothing much have been happening lately. Most of them are gaming news which I don't want to post because it will bore those non-gamer readers.
Ok, about school. Lessons are getting increasingly interesting and difficult. Engineering Mathematics is hard for me because I don't take Amaths. [To those who take amaths, don't tag about how easy the subject is. I'll fucking break you. I'm already thinking about one possible candidate that will do that. >=( ] All those things about trigonometry is fine for me but the what function identity thing is like alien language.
As for Electronics and Electricity Technology, I can do the questions but I have to look at the formula. The teacher is teaching so fast and monotonous, I either feel like sleeping or I don't get understand the entire lessson.
Enough about school. Now for a little bit of gaming news. I bought Crysis: Warhead a month ago. This game was released on 2008. I wanted to get it when it was released but I decided to hold on till I get my new graphic card....and when I finally did...no more shop is selling it. -_-
Until a month ago, I found it in a game shop and without thinking, I bought it. Using a custom config, the graphic is absolutely stunning. I wanted to post pictures about it but blogger and imageshack does not allow me to do so. >_>
I want to continue assembling my plastic airplane models but I can't find space to spray the paint for my aircraft in this new house of mine ! >=(
I'm so bored. @_@
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:36 PM