Sunday, March 30, 2008,
Venture Leadership Course First Day
Yesterday was the first day of the Venture Leadership Course and it's was pretty boring except for some topic which were really helpful. It is basically talks about Leadership and working as a team. The first few talk was not really much of a help because it is all common sense and i already know most of the things they are talking. The one i find useful throughout the entire talk is the last three. Team Dynamics, Risk Assessment Management System (RAMS) and Planning. As usual, it was suppose to end at 5pm but the because it THE HQ, it ended at 7pm. So i ended up attending a 10 hour talk. I was trying to keep myself awake throughout the talks after lunch, do not know if it is the lunch or the talk.
As usual, members who join any course will be split up into smaller groups but in this course, we were split into Executive Committees . Gerald and I was in ExCo 7 while Wen Hao, Shan Feng and Victor was in ExCo 8. For this course, there are also a support VSL following each Executive Committee and mine was Ang Lian Kwee, my own AGSL. Don't know if i should count myself lucky or not.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
12:17 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008,
Another stressful period of time is here again. Why do i say so ? I get stressed up easily when i have too much things to do and not enough rest. So this week, Friday is the Elearning day and all of us got to wake up at 0700 + and log onto the school website and do assignments given to us. On Saturday, it's the briefing for the Venture Leadership Camp Briefing and it's a camp that every venture will have only one chance attempt it and pass it. So if i fail, i can say good bye to every single awards i wanted. Next week, sports carnival. Stupid event, i rather be on duty and serve mineral water to the students than to take part in this event and play volleyball...Then on to next next week, it's the Venture Leadership Camp, 2 day 1 night, that means i will miss my weekly resting time from Saturday night to Sunday afternoon. Besides, there are still homework coming in as days passes by. So my verdict is that my stressful period of time will end after the Venture Leadership Camp. Luckily i am not going for this year's National Day Parade 2008. I don't think i will survive through this year if i join, i still got my 'O' levels. -_-
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
5:59 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008,
Celebrated Kuan Yao birthday at Choa Chua Kang park yesterday. It was quite enjoyable and the tidbits we brought were all cheese flavored.(Yay ! =D ) Lol, then Jian Wei was playing this psp game...don't know what it is called but all i know is that it goes "Pata Pata Pata Pow !" -_-. Hmm, too busy type long posts right now, i still got homework to do. =\ I will post the photos taken during the the post. So then, please wait. =)
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:58 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008,
Lolololol, i am doing loads of homework now so i don't really have the time to type a long post. I tried this thingy which i don't know what should i call it.
What Lam Minghan Means

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
Lol, i can't look at myself. Can you tell me how true this is ? =P
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:24 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008,
Back from camp.
Ya, i am back from the annual Scouts and Guides camp. So much things to post about because there are so much interesting things happening during the camp. Hmm, let me see....ok i shall post about the interesting things that happened on DAY 1.
Heck. I, Wen Hao, Guang Jie and Lian Kwee were on the lorry after we load it up with the equipments we needed at the campsite. We proceeded to the campsite and started unloading it and the rain came. We rush to put the equipment at their "respective" places and then headed for shelter to wait for the campers to arrive. They took so long to arrive that we even have time to take a short nap in the dorm. >_>
After the campers arrived and settled down, we had indoor cooking. We Ventures had a cheesy meal for that. Why ? Because we put cheese on everything we ate. Curry instant noodle with 4 slices of melted cheeses and hotdogs with 2 slices of melted cheeses. We even had cheese soup. =D We waited for everything to finish cooking then we started to eat and because it tasted so good.....we started to snatch like a bunch of people who haven't eat for days. -_- (Sophia sorry ar, made you wait but in the end only got you half a cheese hot dog. Haha, next time i shall cook for you again. >_>)
At night, we played this game called People hunt. Everything was fun except for falling into the drain......and because of this, i am practically limping for till the noon of day 2. Thanks to those people who asked me if i am alright, it's appreciated. =D We ventures actually planned for a Night hike but i can't go because of this injury.... =( So they went on without me but on the bright side, i am going to get more sleep than them.
Oh ya, the campfire. I think it's the first time (I think) the sec 3 are organizing the campfire so i would give them a 7/10. Still a lot of room for improvement though.
High element....I can't believe i paid $25 just to take videos and pictures. =( Because of my injury, i cannot play. Only stand beside, take videos and pictures and watch the others play. By afternoon, i was able to walk and jump but i cannot run. So i tried the challenge pole. It's a high element activity where you need climb a pole that is around 2 story high, stand on a platform and jump to grab a hanging pole, it's about 1.6m away. Wen Hao was one of the belayer asked those who jumped to do chin ups or sing a song if not he not going to let them down. >_> I and Wen Hao were talking below about how short is the distance you need to jump and it's a confirm can grab de. Finally it's his turn. When Wen Hao went up, he went. "Wah ! I'm scared liao. It's so far. Can don't jump ma ?" In the end you touch the pole and dropped. Because of the force and the full body harness, it's hurt. It's my turn, i climbed and when i reached the platform, i went. "Ho ho ho, do i really need to jump ?" I jumped and grabbed the pole. The pole was kind of slippery but i still managed to get a grip. I actually wanted to do 5 chin ups but in the end i did 10. =D When i fall, i expected something to hurt but i only felt a force pulled by the rope. Felt like the shock when a parachute open.
At night, i really afraid of the dark so i didn't went to be a guide for the night walk. Instead, i stationed at the gate and helped Zheng Yu with the Walkie Talkie when he sleeps. >_> The conversation with Larry (Chong Jin was with him) was funny. =D
Larry: "Oi, who is the guide for the 8th group ?"
Larry:"Be quick leh"
Me:" Some of the people went to get their jeckets while some went to the toilet."
Larry:"Wau Lau"
A few mins later, Victor came back with his group because a tree fallen at the fork road and blocked the path.
Larry:"Oi, Minghan chat with me leh.
Me:" Why ?"
Larry:"It's boring and it's sucks sitting here in the dark."
Me:"Then why did you become the station master in the first place then ?"
Larry:"We were chosen."
Miss phua beside me told me: "I told them they are going to sit there for 2-3 hours."
Me:"I thought you did it voluntarily."
Larry:"Wau lau, we give them face de la."
Everyone beside was like Wahhhh.
Because the tree couldn't be moved, the night walk was canceled.
Day 3
I woke up with a video camera facing me. Mr Shen came and video us. "Hey Minghan, give me about your opinion about the camp. Me:"It's better than at the school, it's has better facilities." The ventures have basically nothing to do on day 3 so we walked around looking the activities the camper were doing. Near the end of the camp, the ventures load up the lorry and went back to school. I , Gerald and Shan Feng stayed back because the lorry cannot take all of us. So we look at the closing ceremony. My congrats to all award winners, you deserve it and thanks for the 3 cheers for Ventures ! It's appreciated . After the camp, the frustrating thing is that we Ventures need to do all the shit job at school while everyone went home or have lunch. (Not the campers, they don't need to do anything but the staffs ! oi !) I don't mind doing shit job but we don't even get a single "Thank you".....haiz, never mind since it's over liao. |_|
Well, i have much quite some time typing this post. Time to end it. Haha, good bye. =D
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
7:35 PM
Sunday, March 9, 2008,
Job Week
It's the annual job week for every scout in Singapore. It is suppose to be a week but i am only doing it for 2 days because i am lazy. Managed to collect $280 in total. Helped out at the investiture at South View, it went quite successfully i think. Meanwhile, we were asking any job or donation from the teachers and parents to get some money for our job week too. The district commissioner ,Mr Andrew Chua, of the Bukit Panjang District was invited to the investiture, so when Mr Naza is sending him home, we went along and know where he lives now. Maybe next year i should go and visit him. =D This is one of the slackest job week i ever done because i still have time to watch live ice hockey at the Jurong Entertainment Center and a little window shopping. To add on, i only comb one block this year and it's the block 345, which is the block i am staying in. =_=
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
6:53 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008,
It's been raining recently and i love the weather. A lot of my friends are complaining about the cold weather. So i was like "Is it really that cold ? I feel normal and this weather is perfect." Call me weird or anything else you can think of, I just love cold weathers. Ok.....Happy Birthday, Alina. =D
After school, Me, Li Pui, Soon Beng and Alina went to Bukit Panjang Plaza and ate at Jack's place to celebrate her birthday. Supposedly, we were going to eat at Swensens but in the end they change to Jack's place. So i was like "Ok, fine." So we went to eat at Jack's place and ordered the student meal at the price of $6.50. Funny part was when they serve us our food, we don't have any utensils. So Soon Beng was like "Excuse me, we don't have fork and knife." >_> After that, we had our double scooped ice cream which came with the student meal. Ok, it's average tasting ice cream but Soon Beng went to add sugar on it and used up 4 packets. (Oh wow.)
It's the first time i am eating at such place for lunch after school. So it was pretty good. So how much does this cost ? $35.31 and who do the paying ? I did. Lol, it was my treat after all. It is not that i am rich or something like that. Since i had saved up quite an amount over the years, why not i spend a little bit ? No use, just keeping money without spending it once in a while. I afford what i can.
March holidays is coming. I hate March holidays because i barely have any rest or fun during the holidays. My March holidays are always packed every single year. I only get like 3 days of holidays ? Aiyo, the only one i am looking towards is June holidays but it better come very slowly. I still have a lot stuffs to do this year.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:24 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008,
Yesterday was the school CIP day, it was my second and last time. It was quite fun actually. It is no different from job week except that i am collecting newspaper and old clothing instead of money. I was assign to block 485A. Found 2 unit whose door was painted, 1 was painted red while the other was yellow. It looks like those a loan shark will do. We had to compete with the Garakuni (Is it spell like this ????) because he was collecting stuff as well. So we did not get much stuffs. Besides, i think it is a little bit too early to collect all this stuffs. People are still sleeping.....
There was one unit when i happily pressed the door bell and i got 3-4 dogs barking at me in return.... >_> Soon Beng still go press some more saying want to see how long they can bark. I was like "wtf" ?
In the end, the boys got to wait for the lorry to come and pick up the stuffs we collected for the second round. Went to had a quick lunch lot1 with tim, amos and wailing. After that, i went straight home, change into my Venture Uniform, grab my bag and head to south view to help out in the Sixer Training Camp.
Actually, i don't really have much activities to conduct. Just that i am always standing besides the IC of the activities and assist them. The only activities i got to conduct is the teach how to fold a flag and the meaning of the Scout Emblem. Then in the night, the venture scouts, Wen Hao, Shan Feng, Gerald and me, interviewed the cub scouts about what rank they want and whether if they qualified for the rank they desire. Some are a waste of time, some are good and some are hilarious. For example
ME: Are you sure you can be a Sixer ?
Cub scout: Yes
ME: Very sure ?
Cub scout: erhh, no ?
Ordered Mc delivery in the middle of the night. Then we were like discussing what if we are so lucky and got the $10000 cash prize. However, we can't be so lucky right ?
Nothing much today...just came home after the camp. Feeling real tired now, i should be sleeping now.
Wen Hao, Shan Feng, Gerald, Mr Sim and Mingxian went to NUH to see Matthew, a cub scout from South View. I didn't go because i am too afraid to go...i can't bear to see a fellow scout lying down there is coma. He is currently in ICU......He had his brain tumor removed but he was diagnosed with leukemia....(Disease where the white blood cell is more than the reds.) Having such things while he still so young...he is only like Primary 5 or 6 ? Damn it all... come on Matthew. I pray that you get well soon and wake up... so we can have fun again like in the past.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:52 PM