Sunday, January 27, 2008,
Haha, got a new pair of speaker for my computer today. Got to thank my brother and father because they say i pass my 'o' levels ?? Now my computer is practically new except for my mouse and keyboard. Changed the image on top, why ? I don't know, i feel like changing it. =D
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:11 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008,
First off, 'O' levels result for my E maths and Chinese. All i can say is "What the fuck...." I got a C5 for my E maths which i am happy because I finally pass my mathematics for once in my entire secondary school life ? and i got a B3 for chinese.....again. I got a B3 for during mid year and i got another B3 at the end of the year....what a waste of my time and i must retake it this year. Fine, if i get a B3 for my mid year again.....i'm dropping it. Meanwhile what should i do ? Study lor, make sure get a A2 or 1 if not it's a waste of time lor.......
Went to South view again to help out at the cub scout meeting. I actually didn't want to go because i wanted a 2 full 12 hour rest.... but hell, i still went there. I think it was a bad choice because i didn't really have to focus to help out there and the amount of things i am able to help is little. Played tug of war with the little kids was funny. It's was us, the BP scouts, vs five six which have 13 people. When the game start, the others came and help which turns the 13 to 30. Result ? Dude, of course we lose...there's no way that 8 BP scout is going to win 30 cub scouts....but it was fun. Although i hate kids but i must admit sometimes they are cute.
AND MANY THANKS FOR THOSE WHO SAY MY PLANE IS NICE AND COOL !!!! My salute to the F-14, the only US plane i like. Although it's retired, it will still be the nicest and best plane to me.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:25 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008,
Finally !!!
Finally, 2 fighter jet exited the production line 3 days ago. I completed my F-14A Tomcat and my brother completed his F-16C Fighting Falcon. Although i spilled 2 bottles of paint in the was fun assembling the plane. I had to go to Jurong Entertainment center yesterday and 2 bottles of paint in replace and bought 3 more spray cans. It cost a total of $33. The shop keeper asked me whether do i want to spend $50 to exchange for something and get a chance in the lucky draw. Siao, i don't think i have enough money for that. Pictures of the completed aircrafts.
F-16C Fighting Falcon

F-14A Tomcat

Today my E-Humanities teacher was absent and all of the 18 of us under her went to the canteen and talk. Feels like we have dropped E-Humanities, just wander around the canteen and buy something to eat and drink. I am now currently in the process of assembling a AV-8B Harrier. Although the instruction manual seems complicated, it is actually quite simple. As for Video gaming news, i have been scoring in Call of Duty 4 multiplayer game with my friends. There was a time i score 143 kill and 63 deaths, a k/d ratio of 2.27 which is quite a good figure. Although i personally feel that Crysis Powerstruggle game mode is better, this provides a fast paced action match as you have almost no time to rest.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
7:43 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008,
Lets see what can i post.....ok, how about my opinion on school life so far ? Hmmm, basically it is just the boring days where you sit in the classroom and listen to the teachers with a little abit of added pressure. Now we having time practices which i do not think that it will do much help to me. It is just doing regular work, what can it do ? I rather face a textbook and read it. Recently, i had a geography test and i and Soon Beng managed to completed it in 35-36 mins. So he wanted to bet who get the higher marks and loser treat a meal or something like that.....ok, i accept it since it has been quite some time since i last bet. Also since it is the last year, i decided to be a little more crazy, like going around kept on going lolololoolol or hahahhahhhhahha. Calling classmates and then tell them "Nothing". Now my classroom got this encouragement board which is really nicely done by my classmates. Putting notes in and encourage one another. Fine, seems fun. Don't really have things to post about right now so my post might be a little weird....Oh ya, Tim, Please D/l the map when it is out. I want to try it, get the title and prove myself of an ACE. Although i don't really think i can get the title Ace of Aces.....
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:32 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008,
Ok, i think i'm ill, been coughing,sneezing and having a running nose. Maybe it's because of not enough sleep and other small element which make me sick. Just woke up and i felt better after a 11 1/2 hour sleep. Hope that i can go to school tomorrow, can't really afford to miss school this year. On to another thing, I am almost completing making my F-14A Tomcat plastic model. It's so fun making it, having to cut the parts out, spray primer, paint the parts then cement them. Although it's fun, the process is quite time consuming too. Yesterday i spent like 2-3 hours making the front landing gear....Today i spend like 3 hours making the 2 landing gear at the back. Finally, i am able to see my F-14 "standing", have been playing with it by making a fake landing. It may be childish but hey, try making one yourself and play with it, the satisfaction is there. Yesterday night i also played with a pretty nice gadget my brother bought.

A LED you can hook either on your right or left ear. It's pretty cool in my opinion but it will be even better if it is a laser pointer, especially with 3 dots. Lol, a predator wannabe. Can't wait to lend this gadget from him and go to camp and play with it during night time, haha.
Beautiful pictures of my uncompleted aircraft. =P


Size comparision. The F-14 Tomcat is a 1/48 scale and both the F-117A Nighthawk and the F-15E Strike Eagle is a 1/72 scale. The F-15 is my first plane, the F-117A is my brother's first plane and the F-14 is my second plane. My bro is currently assembling a F-16A/C Fighting Falcon.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:37 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008,
Japan photos !!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008,
New blog skin ?
Since it is a new year....why not change a new one ?
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:12 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008,
It's the second day of the second week in school and i am beginning to feel really tired already. Have not feel any stress from all the studying yet but waking up early in the morning and not having enough sleep makes me real tired. I need 11-12 hours of sleep. Sometimes when i wake up, i feel like vomiting or fainting because i am too tired. The only days i can have a full time rest is Friday and Saturday night. Anyway, today i finally did my first "pioneering" session this year. Got the usual "injury" everytime i do pioneering, rope burn. Build a box around a tree and a swing....planning to put in more things. Lets hope and pray that it can be a success.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:09 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008,
School reopen
School has reopen and the schooling days are back again ! Quite alot of things had happen during the first week of school. I feel that Sec 5 is weird. At least there are two Normal Academic Classes. If not i really do not have any people to talk to. Yesterday of the Sec 1 Orientation campfire and it's not really good in my opinion. Ok, the gateway was average and the fire went well but the stupid performances took up so much time that alot of things were cut. I dont mind cutting a few songs and 1 game but FRIENDSHIP DANCE AND THOUSAND LEGGED WORM were cut too !! WHAT THE HELL !!! WHAT IS A CAMPFIRE WITHOUT THIS TWO THINGS !!! If i were to grade this campfire, i would give a 7 out of 10 because we get to scout bomb almost every single thing. It's been a long time since we use scout bomb. Not really successful though.......
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
6:19 PM