Friday, February 29, 2008,
Went to the career fair at Suntec City today. The school provided us with a bus to Suntec and not back, so i got to take a taxi back to school for Venture meeting. Shared with money with Gerald, Amos and Wailing. Of course, i got to thank Mr Phang and Mr Shen for the $8 to subside part of the taxi fare. When the bus was nearing Suntec City, i saw the places where i marched during National Day Parade 2007, really missed it. The road, the holding area and the place where the Guard of Honor was. The part of the road actually closed for us the march and it was an experience then i will always treasure.
Anyways, when i was at the career fair. The place is huge that i do not know where should i start from. Wandered around with Amos, Wailing, Sandy, Keyi and Eline. Looking at stuffs, getting brochures and free stuffs. They actually had a booth on Aerospace but i did not really spend much time there. Just grabbed at book and off i go. Lol.
It was "fun" actually. I will be going to the school's annual CIP day tomorrow. I only went for the one when i was in sec 1, so this year will be my second time. After the CIP day, i will be heading to South View Primary to help out at their Sixer's Training Camp. Another day with the little kids. I will try to take some good pictures over there, haha. Boy, this week is finally going to be over. Meeting almost everyday for the camp during the March holidays and i hate it because i will be like have only 3 days of holidays while other is getting a full week ?? I really want a time where i can rest and relax in the best way possible. I am actually getting burned out and i am forcing myself to be awake everyday.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:50 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008,
As promised, i am back and here to post the rest of my favorite aircrafts, 3 of them.
First, F/A-18 Hornet made by McDonnell Douglas.


Secondly, Sukhoi-47 Berkut made by Sukhoi. It's an experimental aircraft, i love the design.

Lastly, Mig-29 Fulcrum made by Mikoyan. One of the plane comparable to the F/A-18 and F-15.

Haha, that's it, the 7 planes i like. I have good taste in aircrafts right. lol. How i wish i can see this aircraft before my eyes rather than looking at them in pictures.....
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:19 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008,
First of all, i got a 30/40 for my E-maths. Man, i am so happy about it but i must still work harder because this is just only a common test. I must score well for my 'O' to get into the course i want, Aeronautical or Aerospace. Nothing really to post about today. So i shall share with you some of my favorite fighter jets.
First, Rafale M made by Dassault Aviation.

Second, Sukhoi-37 Terminator made by Sukhoi.

Third, F-15E Strike Eagle made by McDonnell Douglas.

Lastly, F-14 Tomcat made by Northrop Grumman Corporation. This is the plane i like the most although it was retired on 22 September 2006.

Haha, there are still more but not enough time now. Still got to rush my homework. So maybe i will post the rest on my next post. Still got 3 more, haha.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:21 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008,
Finally, the stupid Founder's day rally is over !! Such stupid events should not even be held in my opinion. It is just a pure waste of time. Reached Dunearn at exactly 7am and built a 321 flag pole. Since i am not paid for this, of course i did not really tie it well but it still manage to stand.
Helped out as a station master. I was the station master of station called the "A-Frame walk". Basically, all you have to do it to "walk" the A-frame from the starting line to the finishing line. You cannot touch the A-frame, only control the A-frame using 11 lashing that can be given to you. If the A-frame falls, you have to restart all over again. Simple. All the schools manage to complete it but all of them use almost the same method. There are 5 schools and when the fifth school goes, i was like "Weee ! Finally, stupid station games are over. Now for lunch and telematch....." Basically, it's one of those days that i wish time can pass real fast. I was like complaining "Why am i spending such a fine day on this stupid event when i can do something else ?"
Anyways, that stupid day is finally over and HAPPY FOUNDER'S DAY !!!!
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:28 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008,
Today is Founder's day. The day when Scouting is founded. The last ceremony i will be having as a student. This year's ceremony was short compared to the one i have been in. Got to wake up at 5.30am in the morning and reach school by 6.30am. Just a normal school day except that i am wearing my uniform the whole day because i still have weekly scout meeting.
Tomorrow's the annual Founder's day challenge, one of the stupidest event annually and my scouting life. Got to get to Dunearn Secondary School tomorrow by 6.45am. Got to wake up early again, so tiring. Why did i even volunteer to help out in this stupid event in the first place ? Hell, since i have promised Wen Hao that i will go. I must keep my promise even i do not feel like going. Must finished what i have started, that's my habit. =D
It's quite boring these days. The same old routine. Study, go home, sleep, wake up and repeat. Besides, the table that i have using as a work bench to assemble my aircraft plastic model is used by my mother. So i cannot do anything. How i wish i have someone special in my life. Lol.
Ok, i think that i need to rest well for tomorrow's activity. Got to swallow my pride and listen to some bullshit leader.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:10 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008,
I am so tired. Especially last night, i could not sleep well, don't know the reason. Every morning i have trouble waking up. I think i really need to sleep 11-12 hours everyday. That means i need sleep at 6pm everyday ?? o_O If not i got to have 8-9 hours of sleep minimum....which also means i got to sleep at 9pm ?? Ahhh, really need to rest. Go to lala land dont know even need to care about anything, just dream.
Today, i dismantled the suspended flag pole alone, never thought it's possible. >_>
Chin Wen came and help out with untying some ropes and coiling them up then he went home. It's not tough dismantling the flag pole, it is coiling up the ropes and putting the spars back made it tough. Got so tired after putting back the spars, my hands were trembling after that. >_> Haha. Seriously, there is nothing much to post these days because nothing much is happening. If not, i will always update this blog almost every single day.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:01 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008,
Haha, it's been a long time since i last post. On the eve of Chinese New year, the school had the usual Chinese new year concert and i am the usual helper because it beats sitting down there watching the performance. Ok, it's always the usual stuff like singing, skits, opera and dances. Only thing which is different is that there was a yoyo performance by my "wingman", Timothy. Yay ! Way to go Double Ace, you did well. After the concert, the usual gang came to my house and play guitar, piano, my computer,ps2 and psp.
Then on the the first day of Chinese new year. Went to two my father's sister house. It's was the usual stuff, just sit down there, eat, get ang pao, watch television and go. The only difference is we went to my aunt's office in Holland village first to try out her $25000 exercise machine. You just basically stand on the machine's platform and the machine will vibrate it left and right. It actually make you feels better and the best aprt is that you will not sweat. Then we had dinner at her house, also at Holland village. After dinner, i went to try out her $8000 massage chair. Feels damn good. Tried out iSqueeze too. It feels so ticklish and pain that i was screaming out loud. She had a sauna too but i did not try it. Went home at 11pm.
Second day of Chinese new year. I went to my uncle's house. It is the place where most of my relative will gather. Don't really blend around with them so i was just playing psp when they are talking away. I left the place with my brother at 4pm because we could stand sitting now there and listening to them talk. So we were like to hell with this, let's go home.
On the third day, i and Tai Wang went to Tan yuan house for the first time and his room was neater than mine ! (My room is quite untidy.) Played psp and Halo there too. I was surprised that he actually plays Halo on a small laptop with a mini mouse. So damn hard to control. The three of us went to Tai Wang house and play also. We did the same thing but instead of Halo, we play Counter Strike.
On the fourth day, the usual gang went to Timothy house and play ACE COMBAT 6 !!! YAY !!! It's been a long time since i last play Ace Combat 6, my skill was a bit rusty but that does not stop me from been an Ace of Aces. (Haha.) Then we played Halo 3 and had the funniest matches of all times. Total shotgun match, Half sniper half shotgun match and Total Spartan laser match. I wanted to play Total plasma pistol match but they did not want, so ok, fine by me. After that, i help Timothy to help his first Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer experience. He got promoted 4 times within 30 minutes which was good. (But it ain't going to that easy in the later part, Timothy.) At 3pm, we went to Keith's house and played monopoly. I FREAKING OWN THEM !!! I was very rich at the beginning. I was almost bankrupt somewhere in the middle of the game and i got rich again towards the end.
A very long post right ? I hope you enjoy reading the story of a Kambing's life. LOL
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:19 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008,
Had a recruits camp at South View during Saturday and Sunday. Man, those kids are really annoying sometimes. (No wonder i hate kids.)But sometimes, they can be real cute too. (Eh ? I thought i hate kids.) There was a time when Mr Sim asked "Who wants to be with Minghan ?" Then alot of them raise their hand up and wants to be with me. Then he asked "Who wants to be with Wen Hao ?" Then only 6 of them say they want to be Wen Hao.
Had to take some of them for footdrill and they like push up.
So i say "Ok, all of you. Give me 20 push ups."
They went "YAY ! Can give more ??"
So i say " I changed my mind,i want you to run 100 round the parade square."
They went "YAY !"
And i said "Sprint".
They stunned.
Then i pointed to the one who say yay the loudest.
"Go, i thought you want to run ?"
He said "Don't want unless everyone run together."
I said "No, they don't want except for you. So you run."
He stunned and don't want to run.
Conclusion ? I am a very generous man, i give what you desire. LOL !
One quote i got "From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." So, we must do it too.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
7:05 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008,
Wow, time really flies
Lol, this week passes by very fast. It's almost like a split second and the weekends are here. I hope that time will passes by as slowly as possible even though it will be boring in school. To have more time with my friends, studies and my CCA. Hell, although i really wished that time will be quicker sometimes. I remember when i was a secondary one, all the stuffs i did. Looking back now, it is really carefree and fun although i think that some of the stuff i did back then was childish. (Hey, who never been a child before ??) I remember how i joined Scouts. There time when CCA were pulling us to join their CCA, i was like running away from most of them because it can be quite scary. The moment you finish with someone, another person would come and talk you. Then me, John, Gerald and Eugene was like asking one another what do you want to join and Eugene said "Don't know, i think Scouts ba. Think quite fun." Then all of us went to join Scouts. Haha, and he was the first one among us to quit......
Thanks to him, i think i chose the right CCA and have excel in it. It seems like i have spend my Secondary life very easily and how i wish that school would pass quickly.....and now ? I wish that time will pass as slow as possible....Looking back at the class photos i had really made me think of the good times i had back then.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:31 PM