Wednesday, January 28, 2009,
Ok, Happy Chinese New Year ! Another occasion where i will do the same thing for a number of times ! Go to relative's house, sit down, eat, play psp, leave the talking to the adults, get the ang bao, move. There isn't much fun at all for me during this "happy" and "fun" Chinese New Year. Anyway, I hope that luck will be on my side when i need it once again. =)
The new LCD TV that my parents bought just arrived 2 days ago and it's on full HD. So when it's on full HD, what do i do ? Take the PS3 and plug it in. The colors is Amazing. Devil May Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid 4 and the other games i have became even beautiful. Haha.
Nothing much to update about though. Thought that i should put a new entry to put some life into this blog.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
12:00 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009,
Hmm, I just got my result back a few days ago. I was surprised and again, disappointed. I failed to live up to my own expectations. I was surprised that I actually got an A2 for Geography. During the 'O' level, I was staring at the paper and writing on my own instinct as I was pretty confused at that point of time. I actually PASS E. Maths and English ! First time getting a B3 for English and E. Maths too ! HURRAH !
Another subject that surprised me was my Science. I mean, I was like "Omg, This is it. I am done for. For the first time in my life I am going to get C5 for Science" I left the entire Chemistry first page BLANK after I wrote Chlorine because I do not know the uses for other chemical. Plus, there are 2 pages that I don't know how to do, so I just pray and write. In Physics Practical, I don't know what in the world is going on and god ! Who knows it,I managed to calculate something nice. The Gravitational Force of Earth is 36000 G. I should be dead by now if it is really 36000 G. In the end what happen ? A2. Wow. That's surprising.
Then again,I was disappointed because I didn't get more A.
IN ADDITION, I took the GOD DAMN F*** Chinese 'O' level paper for FOUR DAMN TIMES and the results I got was another FOR F**K SAKE B3 !!! What the hell is going on ! Am i really fated to have a B3 for my Chinese !? and YES ! For FOUR F**K time i got B3 B3 B3 AND F*** B3 ! My Oral and Listening ? DISTINCTION ! FOR BOTH TIMES AND THE RESULTS I HAVE COLLECTED ? B3 Distinction B3 Distinction B3 Distinction and ANOTHER FOR F*** SAKE B3 Distinction !!!! Ohhh the Heaven ! Why are you so cruel to me ??? -_-
Anyway, I am going to apply for Aerospace tech in NP and Aeronautical in SP and I pray to every single god of every single religion. If there is really a god up there and a man is in need. I am Him. Please ! Heed my Prayers !
I shall see what Fate have in store for me. Oh Fate, please don't be so cruel. ;D
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
12:13 AM
Tuesday, January 6, 2009,
I am back and today's update is on Minghan's personal Model Hanger ! My very own Airplane self assemble plastic models. Recently I have resume production and continue on my 1/72 Academy F-18C Hornet. This is a picture taken a few days ago and the exact state where i have stop for a few months.

As i mentioned earlier, I have resume the construction process and I spent 2 days and turned it into the current state. It is not exactly complete however i felt that it is worthy of been posted on the blog. Here are the pictures !!

I like the effect the effect of this picture. Got it by luck.
I have tried quite a number of new things on this aircraft. This is the first time I applied decals on a airplane. The first time I applied gloss. First time I spent a lot of time on and the first time i actually try to paint the panel lines. It turns out to be pretty good, in my opinion. (And it doesn't like like a self assemble kit to me. More like a diecast model. -.-)
My "christmas present" has finally arrived ! The RPG game Valkyrie Profile 2 for PS2 ! Ya, i know. It is a game that was released a few years back and it's on PS2. However, my PS3 is able to play PS2 games and i get to enjoy the game. (YAY !! XD) SO, HURRAH !!! Haha !
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:26 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009,
Back here for the first update for 2009 ! Yesterday was the school's march back and I slept at home, didn't really feel like going for it. However, I went to school at 2pm for a Scout meeting which turns out to be nothing in the end. What do i mean ?
Wen Hao asked me to call him. I did it and I have to inform the all ventures for the meeting yesterday. All of us came and we were sitting down there, doing nothing, listening to the campfire meeting stuffs that we are not aware and involved in. In the end, my ventures ask me why are we here. I asked Wen Hao why are we here. Wen Hao asked Lian Kwee why are they here. In the end, it turns out that Lian Kwee asked Wen Hao to ask me to call all ventures for the campfire NEXT friday. -_-
Anyway, I bought a Gloss Spray for my plastic models and tried it out on my currently assembling F-18 Hornet. It turns out to be pretty good ! The F-18 was very smooth and it shines. I tried to put the decal on it and then gloss the whole thing again and the effects was great ! The decals actually looks like it was painted on the model itself. This is the first time I have succeeded in assembling such a nice plane and the first time I spent so much time, putting the details on it. I should be completing the model soon. I think.
Well, just start of the year and problems came, BIG ONE. So i guess Fate is really planning to go rough on me this year. This time, I have to solve this problem and by any means necessary. Even if i have to forsake my honor and pride.
With sacrifices, comes rewards. It is just a matter of whether the sacrifice is big and are you willing to do it, just like a transaction. So I have been doing some thinking and have been asking myself.
If you want the reward you want, must you give up things that you consider important to you ? Your happiness ? Your values ? Must you be a puppet to others so that you can get what you want ? In order to get it, must you get it by any means necessary ?
Or ultimately, must you forsake the things that make who you are, destroying the very person that you call "I","Me" and "Myself" ?
To survive, you must bow down to every single one superior to you , stand your ground and defending your own rights and defying everything, treating no one as superior or hating every single thing in the world ?
Sacrificing one for the benefits of others....I have been doing that for years and years. However, this value that was once in me is sealed. Is there really joy in doing that ? Is there anything that is worth to be happy about when you help them and most of the time they don't care or know it. Is it really important to have Trust when people don't give a shit about you ?
If there is really a god up there regardless of religion and if there is a man in need, I am Him. Please heed my prayers, grant me to power to manipulate, strength in order to overcome any obstacles to come.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:14 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009,
AND HERE I AM !!! 2009 !!! I told ya, i will be posting next year. So what is going to happen this year ? What am i going to do ? As if i know what Fate is going to throw at me this time round. A whole new year and a whole new chapters of pages waiting for me to write the contents.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
12:03 AM