Saturday, May 31, 2008,
X52 Joystick !
Went to Sim Lim square with Timothy, Tan Yuan and Tai Wang yesterday after school. While we are on the train to Bugis MRT station, i was playing Tai Wang PSP, some gundam game. When i got hit by the enemy, coincidentally, the train shook too. So i was like "WOO ! SUCH A REALISTIC PSP GAME !".
Went to Fuwell and bought my 2 sticks of 1GB RAM which cost me $66 and Tim bought his RAM for his father too. After that, we went around Sim Lim square to find my joystick. Found some but it's expensive, so i say "We come to Sim Lim, we go price hunting." Eventually, i bought my joystick, the Saitek X-52 Flight Control system which cost me 179.90. So my job is done in Sim Lim and it cost me a total of $245.90. =) I looked out the window and saw that it was raining heavily outside. Tan Yuan was like " IT'S RAINING !"
So i told him " It's all a illusion, Sim Lim square is place with high technology. It's all a illusion." After saying that, a lighting came. "That too." Lol.
So, Tai wang went buy his DVD for $24 and off we go to Funan. =D I told Tai Wang, we go Funan eat, there better. In the end, we ate KFC over there. -_- We went to Challenger after that. The moment we went in, we saw DVD on sale, $21.90, Tai Wang was going "Why did i buy in Sim cheaper leh..." Lol, tough luck. =)
Went to straight to the place where you can play XBOX 360 demo games. Saw a vacant slot and exit the damn game, change to Ace Combat 6 demo. =) This game never fails to entertain me, pull off a few maneuvers too. After that, the little kid on my right finish playing, i took over his console and play the Devil May Cry 4 demo.
DAMN FUN LA ! Although i play the previous series, it is my first time playing Devil May Cry 4. Also, it feels abit different from previous series. Saw those who are playing this game before me, their style gauge all D's and C's. The moment i play, my style gauge went up to B's and A's. (Maybe it is because i played the previous series before.)Also i notice this guy behind me watching me play. Tan Yuan was like "Wah, you so pro." I told him " It's my first time playing." After i finish playing the game, the guy was still behind me, looking at me in amazement. (Lol, feels so good. >_> )
So we took the MRT and straight home. On the way home i told Tim. "Lol, you go out with girls for shopping, you will stay in the shop for hours in the end buying nothing. You go out with boys, you will stay for a short while but you will see them spending a bomb on the stuffs they are buying. >_> lol, just kidding.
By the orders of Tim, i took pictures of my new Saitek X-52 Flight Control System.
My Box

My Throttle

My Joystick


Joystick installed. =)

[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
7:04 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008,
Haha, nothing much happen today. Just the usual ISP sessions. =) Today I slept during literature lesson.....again. -_-|| Don't even know what is happening....last time, i won't sleep during literature lesson no matter how tired am i. However....nowadays, i just give in to my tiredness and *Plop*, i fell asleep. Had a E maths mock exam today, i found it quite easy, except for a question on the properties of circle which i spend 15++ mins on it and in the end skipping the whole question.....lost 6 marks.
Going to Sim Lim square and Funan IT mall tomorrow with a few of my friends. They are accompanying me to buy a joystick and 2 sticks of 1GB RAM. Upgrading my computer's RAM from 2gb to 4gb. =D Hey, it's worth it, modern day pc games are basically raping your computer system, the requirement for a decent Frame rate Per Second for some games is just "WOW" and there you go, spending a few hundred dollars getting a decent Frame rate Per Second....Haha, quite silly right ?
A few screen shots i took when playing Lock On. Just practicing and admiring the beauty of the plane. Note, this is not Ace Combat: Zero, this is Lock On. Someone make the skin for the F-15. (Clicky for larger image.)

Woot, i took off.

This looks kind of stupid or silly. -_-

Lets dive !

I have my very own Air Show.

Streaking across the skies.

The smoke appears when my planes passes through the clouds.

Just wasting some missiles, i'm firing at nothing.
FOX 2 ! FOX 2 ! (Binary code for Firing Infrared Guided Missile.)

Haha, took this when we were attending the first aid course. We were practicing how to tie bandages and this were the "victims". (Including me, lolololool. XD)
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:32 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008,
Hmm, lets see. Kuan yao picked me to do this quiz...great job. Haha, never mind. I shall fulfill your request. I am a very kind guy right ? =)
1. What’s your ambition?
`To be able to complete whatever things i want. =D (Now, that's ambitious)
2. Who is more important to you? Friends or boyfriend?
`Har ?? Of course my friends....I'm not gay. lolololol
3. Who is the person you trust most?
`People whom i can trust. =D
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
`Absolutely ! Well....except in SOME situations...
5. Who is your idol?
`Never had one before.
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
`Of course, seen quite a few before. >_>
7. What is your goal for this year?
`L1R5 8 points. XD
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
`If i say no, i am lying to you. -_-
9. Have you broken someone’s heart that she/he tried to commit suicide?
`....... Do i have such power in the first place ???
10. What feeling do you love most?
`Being loved ?
11. What are the requirements you wish from the other half?
`Interesting question.... Nothing much, just hope that she is understanding. =D
12. List some best moments in life?
`Yea, my scouting life...and stuffs that happen to me in school.
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
`I don't see the reason why i shouldn't cherish them.
14. Between money and love. Which one ?
` Love. =)
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
`The people i know, my honour and pride.
16. Do you love anime?
`Yep, watched quite a number of them.
17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
`Handsome, great, fit, muscular, noble. (Lolololololololol)
18. What have you done to please yourself?
`Playing the piano, fixing self assemble plastic aircrafts and
thinking about my happy future ?? (Haha.)
19. IF you had one wish right now, what would you wish for to come true?
`I wish i have more wish, so i can wish for more things to benefit others.
20. What do you want most for your birthday?
`Never thought of it before...A girlfriend ? LOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOL
Remove one question from above and add in your personal question.
Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people.
List them out at the end of the post.
Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged.
Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all :D
Haha, lets see who shall i pick....
Timothy, Zheng Yu, Cheryl, Sophia, Rainer, Soon Beng, Grace, Alina
Haha, all those whom i picked out. Good luck, Aces. =)
Also, some update about my life ? Timothy burned me the game Lock On: Modern Air Combat. It's a flight simulator for jet fighters. Old game but fun. Trying to find the latest version of it. It's expansion pack, Lock On: Flaming Cliffs. =)
AND I HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED MY PLASTIC F-15C EAGLE MODEL !!! YEA ! One of the most successful plane i have assemble. Still, the model does not look perfect due to the fact that the plastic cannot clip properly. =( Still a eye candy. Lololololololol.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:31 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008,
It's been a long time since i last post, i think. The PLTC i attended a few days ago was fun. Was the patrol adviser for patrol 5. This year's PLTC is very different from the one i attended before. The meals, ranging from breakfast to supper, the patrols have to cook themselves. Although the food my patrol cook the first time was not really appealing....their skills improved throughout the camp, which i am happy for them. =D
During SRIC, i have to get into this pool of water which has the colour of milo. =P Even though the mud gave the water that colour, it's not very thick, just like the swimming water. Except that i get all sort of junk in my shoes the moment i got into the pool. Leaves, branches, name it.Did not want to get into the pool during my VLC.....a few weeks later, i have to get into the pool again. Is it fated ??? -_-
Just had my handover ceremony today, new ventures came into the venture unit, 3 of them. Also, i was promoted from the Vice-Chairman to the Chairman of the the Bukit Panjang Eagle Venture Exco. Finally i got what i wanted.
Something good for me will happen tonight. BECAUSE I GET TO SLEEP TILL NOON !!!! YAY ! Lets see, since when was the last time i get this amount of rest which i actually need everyday....i think it is 3 weeks ago. =D Finally deserve my "well-earned" rest.
Monday is the 'O' level Mother Tongue paper 1 and 2, lets all work hard and score good.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:25 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008,
My schedule has become busier, should i be happy about it ? Intensive Study Program starts this Friday, Scout meeting as usual this Friday, Patrol Leader Training Course at Sarimbun also this Friday. Waaaaa, so busy on Friday. PLTC is a 3 days 2 nights camp and it ends on Monday, which is Vesak Day. Next Friday is the handover ceremony for Scouts. Also, the ISP for language starts this Friday till end of next week ? (I think.) Then comes the 'O' level Mother Tongue papers, ISP and finally my well deserved school holidays. I must make sure that i sleep for 11-12 hours everyday during school holidays ! Wow, so much activity, can i handle them ? Maybe i will have a few more strains of white hair.
Common test 2 results was average, failed 2 subjects. Although i didn't get many As or Bs. (They are expensive.) My report card shall be mostly decorated with Cs. (They are cheap.) Cannot say that i am satisfied with the results. Compared with the results i have been getting 2 years ago and last year, it has dropped. Got to put up my marks and have the A grades return to me.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:49 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008,
This post is for Amos. =D One of the best friend i ever had and i owe him a buddy meal, treats on me. XD Haiyo, you can do it, there is still time but that will eventually run out. So work hard, i got your back.
This is not just to Amos, it's to every single person i know. Work hard and till then, good luck. =D
Added a new song to my playlist. It's the theme of the video game, Brothers In Arms :Earned in Blood. A game i played 2 years ago (I think.) Had a sad yet touching ending, together with the music, i almost cried. Lol. Finally found this music, i am so happy.
I personally find this music very emotional and sad to some extent.
Brothers In Arms
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:33 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008,
Came back from the South View Unit camp today. So tired that i slept for 3-4 hours after i came back. Never liked naps when the sun is still out, it always gives me a headache when i wake up. Needed the sleep real badly, so just bear with the pain.
Yesterday had my Basic First Aid course before i went to South View for the camp. This First Aid course is the best i ever had. The trainer,Saufee, is really an interesting guy. He was Civil Defence as a paramedic for 10 years. He have lots of experience and have a good teaching method which makes me find learning First Aid much easier. I also pass my First Aid course and got my ambulance badge. =D
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:30 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008,
It's the period of common tests and so far i might be able to pass all of the subject i have taken. PASS mind you, not a distinction. -_- So what is everyone doing ? They either doing revision or doing some other thing else which i do not know what is it. Pretty boring week for me. I just cut my hair today and i request the barber cut it so thin that i can see my hair scalp. =X Lol, now i look like some guy who is about to lose all his hair. Haha, the barber was like "What ? You want it thinner ?? You will have a hole in the middle !"
Lol, i know how my hair's so thin now, if he just cut it normally it, i will have it cut within less than a month because my hair grows fast, and it's freaking thick. So heck, must as well have it so thin that i do not need to cut it so soon, i have to cut my hair every month. >_> Besides, my hair is always ugly whenever i have it cut, after 2-3 weeks, it will be normal again (and nice ? probably....just like a swan.) ! Also, i bring joy to the people because they will definitely laugh. =D
Tomorrow is the subject i fear the most, PHYSICS ! Heck, i never fail to fail my physics. So i think how my results will be for tomorrow's common test. Tomorrow is also my E maths common test, although my maths have improved, i don't have the confident to say i will confirm pass. =| Nevertheless, i shall ACE OUT my report card with decorative As and Bs !!! But in the end, there will always be either a C, D or F. -_-
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:42 PM