Tuesday, January 26, 2010,
There are so many deadlines coming and pretty soon I will be dead too.
I think my white hair just expanded it's territory. -.-
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
12:42 AM
Thursday, January 21, 2010,
Yes ! The holidays are almost here but SHIT ! Tons of assignment to be done and handed in by the end of the month ! I better focus if these few weeks if I want to get my A and pull up my GPA.
Not just only school matters, there 2 major scouting activity coming. Mainly, the Founder's Day Challenge and the Area Venture Leadership Camp. Life is busy yet meaningful.
A lot of video games are coming out and I want it !
For PC, we have Bioshock 2, Alien Versus Predator, Assassin Creed 2
For PS3, we have White Knight Chronicles, End of Eternity, Bayonetta, Mag, Bayonetta, Final Fantasy 13
Anyone kind enough to buy me any of these ? =D
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:59 PM
Sunday, January 10, 2010,
After countless times.....Behold !

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (The Pit)
20.85 seconds
Nothing much to show off, I know that there will be someone faster than me out there anyway. =|
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:15 PM
Friday, January 1, 2010,
Happy new year everyone !
2009 passed about an hour ago and here is 2010.
2009 has been quite an eventful year although i spent 1/4 of it slacking, waiting for poly to start. I have done most of the stuffs that I want to do which is a plus for me. Ahhh i have mixed feelings now but I shall look forward !
New Year resolution ! Ta ta ta dah !
First, I want to get good GPA, this is my top priority. I want to get into a University.
Second, I want to meet my elegant lady. (Mingxian will most probably say i'm disgusting. Rofl XD)
Third, achieve good result in everything I do.
I'm also looking forward to some games coming out in 2010. Most of them are coming out in Q1. Also, there should be some good scouting event coming out which is a plus !
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
12:54 AM