Thursday, March 26, 2009,

Well, here i am ! Back to update this blog again with a promise to fulfill. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X Review ! I got this game 2 days after the launch date and I have been playing it till date. So what is so good about it and what is so bad it ?

First, the story.

Ok, this is one element that most games have. Why most ? I dont think games like Pac Man or Tetris have stories. Anyway, you are playing as David Crenshaw, a skillful pilot that was once in the U.S Airforce and the flight leader of the H.A.W.X squadron. This game is set in the Ghost Recon Universe in 2014 to 2020. Private Military Company (P.M.C) are on the rise. After you jump into the cockpit and completed the first mission, the H.A.W.X squadron was disbanded and one the PMC, Artemis, hired you and your wingmen to be their pilot. From there on, you take your plane to the skies and start whacking jets off the skies.

Ok, I have completed the game already but I still don't really get the story. However, this is a brief outline of what the game is about.

Hmm, good graphics right ?

Sexy right ? Let's have another

Oh my God, Uber graphics !!!

HOLD ON ! The game may look sexy and good but shiny graphics doesn't really make a good game ! If you have played Ace Combat before, you might find yourself a little bit comfortable with the gameplay. Basically, the gameplay for H.A.W.X is just like Ace Combat with a little difference.

In H.A.W.X, there are two kinds of mode. The Assistance ON and the OFF. Basically in ON mode, you will have full computer assistance. You will never stall in ON mode as the plane will speed up again after it slows down to a certain speed. You cannot do extraordinary maneuver as the computer on all safety measures. However, you will have access to the Enhanced Reality System (ERS). This is a mode where the computer will do all the calculations for you. It will show you triangular gates where it will lead you to your target or dodge missiles. (Shown in Picture 2) ON mode is similar to Ace Combat, just that in Ace Combat you will get to stall and perform High G turn.

While in OFF mode, your camera will be drag all the way out as if your plane contains any virus and you are being quarantine. Like this.

However thanks to this, you are able to do the a little bit more stuffs and increase the excitement of the game. You are able to view yourself fighting in cinematic dogfights and performing extraordinary out of this world maneuver. What do i mean by performing extraordinary out of this world maneuver ? Basically, your plane just defy every single aerodynamic law in the book and perform stuns never seen before. Things like doing a spinning the entire plane on one axis without moving from the spot or over g your planes spin like mad till it reaches like 20g and your plane is still intact as if it is make up of material that is indestructible by the sun.

However because of this, missile dodging have will be sightly easier if you don't drift too much. If not, you will always have flares to help you. At least 3 times. This game may suck to you after seeing what I have typed but I state here that H.A.W.X is NOT a FLIGHT SIM. It is sort of an arcade game and realism is not really there.

As for missile lock on and gun fire, it is pretty much the same as Ace Combat. However in H.A.W.X, sometimes your plane takes forever to lock on and you will be force to disengage from your target. Missiles are not really a problem in both ON and OFF. When firing the gun in OFF, it is still possible but your accuracy might be low because you will be having a difficult time chasing and aiming the enemy while air drifting. As for special weapons, it is pretty much the same like Ace Combat but in lesser variety.

As for the game campaign, the missions are pretty boring compared to Ace Combat. It doesn't really give you the impact and intensity. Maybe this is what H.A.W.X lack.
However, the multiplayer compensates it in my opinion. The online mode is very very intense and every moment you will be send into a panic attack. The moment u enter, be ready for a missile alert and start dodging missiles while shooting enemy. Sometimes the enemy team is so strong that the entire match is set just a few seconds in the game. Since you are fighting with real life player like yourself, the multiplayer mode is really a fun mode. Coop mode is also pretty fun IF you are playing with people you know. Also....what is multiplayer mode without players cursing and swearing, this also adds on to the intensity of the game and proof that they are real life players.

I am touching on one of the most important element in a game. The sound. In H.A.W.X, the sound effects are pretty good. Pretty clear, pretty realistic. Sounds effects like sonic boom, missiles firing pretty good. However, the music is just horrible. There are no epic music in the game. You just play the game without any great music that make you feel great. In Ace Combat you have songs like ZERO, Megalith, Fires of Liberation, Unsung War. H.A.W.X ? the best I remember is the one they play during the replay and the main menu. This is the difference between American and Japanese games i guess. Ace Combat 5, Zero and 6 had their songs composed by Keiki Kobayashi.

Also, the voice acting in H.A.W.X is meh.....horrible. The voice of your wingmen, Casper and Talon, are pretty good. AWACS is also pretty good. However, the ground forces voice acting is just pure shit. All the manly macho voice trying to act serious shit voice is just so fake that you will be like "Oh My God, Can you fucking shut up ?" Plus the ground forces is just useless. I once supported them in a mission and eliminate the enemy in front of them except for 1 AA gun. They have so many tanks to hit 1 AA gun and they tell me they are under heavy resistance.

One last thing, in H.A.W.X there are a lot of stuffs and lots of plane to be use. However, you will have to level up from 1 to 40 in order to get all this goodies. Leveling up from 1 - 20 is pretty easy especially when you have multiplayer. However it will become increasingly difficult to level up and you will be like "Come on ! I want my plane !!!! GIVE IT TO ME !!! FASTER LEVEL !!!" This system just bores in the player in the long run. It would be better if it is like Ace Combat where you actually buy the planes and weapons.

Well, that is pretty much about H.A.W.X for me. If you would like to know more, you can go on youtube and search for the gameplay. If you would like to have another player review about it. Go to my links and search for Timothy. In my opinion, H.A.W.X is a pretty good game with heck lot of potential. This can be a perfect game but it still have a lot to improve but I don't think there will be a H.A.W.X 2.

Ok, That's that. Very long post right ? haha. Anyway, Nighty night !
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
12:28 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009,

Ok...I have some time left now before i go to sleep. I am going to have a meeting at Yew Tee Mac tomorrow at 0930 for the District Skill Event Day. Don't know if they will be on time or what....just hope that they don't waste my time because i still have work tomorrow. Seriously, I think that this event will be going to be another sure fail event. However, since this might contribute to the Frank Cooper Sands....why not ? So, I am part of the committee and I wondering what department am I in ? None of my Ventures is taking the shit, so here i am, a few hours later taking the shit.

Anyways, this few days i am spending quite some time play a new game. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. (High Altitude Warfare Experimental Squadron) Next time, I will give a short review about it. Haha, now no time. It's pretty fun though. The missions are boring.....yeah. However, I think that the multiplayer part compensate it. In my opinion, the online mode is just fun. I am not fighting with lousy Ai fighter jets. I am fighting people controlled fighter jets like me. The level of fun and challenge just shoots up.

Going to sleep now. bye bye.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:40 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009,

Alright, DEAD ! DEAD ! DEAD ! DEAD ! DEAD !!!!!

My blog is dead for quite some time.....because I got almost nothing to update ! Well, working is taking up most of my time.....the same old pattern repeats itself 1 year ago. Wake up, eat, work, go back, sleep, repeat. Have to work, my motivation is the money. $40 a day might be little to some but heck, I will still be getting hundreds.

Anyway, A few days ago was the Job week and Annual Scout and Guides camp. For job week, in my opinion, this year is a little bit harder to do. Maybe due to the economy recession. In total, the Ventures only managed to get $700+ with 3 people.....and amount raised for the fund itself is like $350. Very, very little.

As for the camp, it is pretty much of a slack camp for the Ventures. However, we managed to succeed in some of the experiment in backwoodsman cooking. Well, it was the slack part that made it fun. This is the FIRST time, I have seen the F&B trying so hard to clear their stock. Ask Ventures clear bread and milo...... -.- I never thought that I managed to get out of there alive. (Lol, just kidding.) Also, it is the FIRST TIME I have a lights out at 1900 !!!! It's like wtf ??? 1900 ? The earliest I slept is like 2100, this created a new record. lol.

Hmmmm, maybe got camp pictures.....maybe I will try searching around for it. Maybe.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:16 PM

Name:Lam Minghan
Age: 18,19 this year.
Birthday:12 Oct 91
School:Bukit Panjang Govt. High (Sec)
Ngee Ann Poly
CCA: Scout (Auxiliary Leader)
Likes: Gray,Black,White
Fighter Jets

Wailing Soon Beng Siang Lian Grace Alina Zheng Yu Magdelene Jon Timothy Ying Ying Sophia Kuan Yao Cheryl Jian Wei MingXian (Female) Li Pui Aixin Rainer Yi Ping Ming Xian (Male) Hazmi Jessica Frederika Faizal Victor Karmen

Scribble !!


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