On Sunday, my brother and I have finally completed every single metal gear solid series game with the exception of the final one. We took out the 'sealed' Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot that came with the PS3 and slowly peel the plastic away, not damaging the precious casing. Finally, we open the darn casing and we were like " FINALLY ! MGS 4 ! WOOT !" and so, wee insert the precious disc into the PS3 and we waited for it to install some data into the PS3. When we get to play the game, we were Wow-ed by the graphics.
The graphics was so good and it could have been better if i have a HDTV. So my brother played MGS4 for that day. Today i finally get to play it and it feels really different from the previous Metal Gear Solid. The controls are abit different and some things are changed. The general gameplay is still there. Played MGS4 fro awhile ad i quit the game after i got spotted by the enemy guard. Haha.
Well, that's it for today. I got to go sleep. Bye bye.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:04 PM
I am Freeman ! Haha, not THE Freeman from the game Half-Life. What i mean is that I am finally free from the VLC project and from Exco meetings !
Yesterday was the annual Bukit Panjang District Campfire and i was part of the organizing committee for the campfire. Exco 7 from the Venture Leadership Course 2008 took up the campfire as our project. After so many weeks and efforts, we finally did it, we successfully organized a campfire.
Jason and I was the emcee for yesterday's campfire and well, i would say it's a partial success. Jason thinks it's good while mine is "I think screwed it up...". The mood was very low in the beginning and no one was getting into the campfire. However, we manage to bring up the mood abit later and it's getting more like a campfire. I think most people like the Freeze Dance most, everyone was like so excited.
Ahh but never mind, what done is done, no use blaming myself for such an average campfire. Well, i think that i am soon going to concentrated on my studies and step down from scouting for a short period of time. Ok, I am going off to sleep now. Good night. =)
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:28 PM
Oh no ! Saturday is almost here like in a split second. Tomorrow, Exco 7 will be rushing to complete all preparation for Saturday's district campfire. If i tell you that i am not nervous, i am lying to you. It's my very first district event, not as a helper, but as a committee member. Chairman of the committee some more. Actually, i hope that it would rain on Saturday, less work needs to be done and it will be easier to control. However, if it does not rain on Saturday, then it will more fun yet difficult to control. OH ! Please like it rain on Saturday night.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:25 PM
Oh my god, this week is going to be a very busy week for me. The entire week is packed with activities, meetings and errands. The district campfire is this Saturday and i hope that it will go smoothly. Oh, I pray to every single god that man has prayed to , please be with me during the hour of need. >_<
I must have enough rest, energy and determination to survive this week. Must take care of my voice, if not on Saturday itself, i will be dead. >_<
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:15 PM
I haven't update this blog for quite some time and that doesn't mean that this blog is dead.
Nowadays, things just seems to be repeating itself over and over again. It's just about school and meetings, nothing else. The Bukit Panjang District Campfire is coming closer and closer, that means the committee will have to pray harder that everything will be good on the actual day itself. However, that also means that i will be free once the damn thing is over.
After that, i am going to have a short break (i mean really short) before i help out in the Bukit Panjang Eagle Scouts 50th Anniversary campfire. Prelims is coming, and after that comes the 'O' levels. So much things yet so little time... but fear not, because i believe that within such a short period of time, i can make a miracle happen.
Recently, my brother won a bid for a 80gb PS3....although we just bought a 40gb local PS3 recently. He saw this two guy fighting over the PS3....then he go play and in the end, he won the PS3 and we just got it a few days ago. Here's a picture of it.

A set which consist of a PS3 console, 1 dualshock sixaxis PS3 controller AND the game, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot.
Also, since this is a 80gb PS3 set. That means this PS3 have backwards compatibility, it's able to play PS1 and PS2 games. So Metal Gear Solid 4 is going to remain sealed till i complete the rest of the Metal Gear Solid Series. I have Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection. It has 3 of the Metal Gear Solid Series, Metal Gear Solid 1, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. So got to complete them all before i head on to the final one. That game has a score of perfect 10. =)
Saving up money to buy some more games, especially Devil May Cry 4. I really want to know the story and enjoy action it have, just like the previous ones. Of course, i still have my 'old' PS3 with me. Here's another picture of it.

A local 40Gb PS3, standard package. 1 PS3 console and 1 sixaxis PS3 controller. No games included and it is in the color of Satin Sliver.
Used it less than a month and now it's been 'resealed' in the box again. Well, still the same old thing, i am tired, real tired. See ya.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:39 PM
Lol, it's not that i don't want to update but i'm really too busy to do that. Today is Youth Day and i finally have some time to do that. =)
On Friday, We had some mass exercise stuff in the parade square and the field. Quite boring in some sense, after that we had our annual school bazaar and meh, it's quite boring too.
Also, i just bought 2 more games for my PS3. XD Finally ! more games to play on my new console !!! YAY !!!
Haha, i will update more when i have something interesting happen in in my life. Lol.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:49 AM