Wednesday, April 30, 2008,
Meh.....i feeling so dizzy now, feeling like vomiting too. Yesterday also feeling like this, what could be the problem ? Am i exhausted ? I think so, feel so tired. I think i could sleep for 3 days straight if nothing wakes me up.
Someone save me......anyone. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Today i shall talk about Aces. Ya, there are all kinds of Aces in this world. Not only in poker. Don't really know how to use this word.....but it can be use like this.
"I am going to ace the 'O' levels." (Which is impossible. =D)
There are also Ace pilots. For pilots who have shot down 5 planes, he earns the title as an Ace. 10 planes, Double Ace. 15, Triple Ace. Do not know if there more but i know there is this "Ace in a day".
"Ace in a day" is designate to pilots who shot down 5 planes within a single day.
To me, i think that becoming an Ace pilot depend on 2 factor. The performance of the plane and the skill of the pilot. I only know 2 Ace, one is known as the Red Baron, a German fighter pilot, who was the most successful flying Ace during WWI, shooting down 80 planes. In the end, he was killed and after 90 years, it is still unknown that who shot the fatal shot that ended his career. He was known as the "Ace of Aces" at that time.
Second is Erich Hartmann, also a German fighter pilot, known as the Black Devil by his enemies. Fought in WWII. This man never wounded, never lost a wingman and he had to crash land to due to damage received from parts of enemy aircraft he had just shot down, or mechanical failure. He was never shot down or forced to land due to enemy fire. He had a 352 kill claimed. He was not killed in the war, he died of natural cause i think at the age of 71.
To me, there are three kinds of Aces.
Those who seek strength,
Those who live for pride,
And those who are read the tide of battle.
Haaaa, i think i cannot carry on. Got to sleep soon, if not i will really vomit.
"Those who survive in a battle for too long will start to think that they are invincible."
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:49 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008,
Here i am writing this post. I am amazed that i am updating this blog almost everyday recently. My life is becoming busy as i got activities almost everyday. Most of them are related to scouting. Today went to HQ at 0830 to meet Mr Sim for the Cub Scout POW WOW. He wasn't there when we reached there, so we went up to the auditorium to look for Joshua and helped out with the setting up of projectors and laptops.
Joshua: "You know how to set a projector ?"
Me: "No."
Joshua: "How about the laptop ?"
Me: "No, we are all low tech scouts. We use white board, more professional."
Joshua: "Wah, that means you have low productivity." (Wow. -_-)
Joshua: "Maybe i should do a how to set up projector course."
Me: "Ya, make it a instructorship course, so i can pass my Venture Cord also."
Joshua: "Yaaaaa." (lol.)
Actually the POW WOW is about leaders gathering together and ask questions. Met Hazmi and Benjamin at the POW WOW too. It's been a long time since i last seen them. So chatted with them. =O Maybe going Cord Hike with them.
Then went for PLTC briefing at 1100 with Wen Hao, Gerald, Shan Feng, Victor and me. Talk, talk, listen, listen. Basically just getting brief about the camp. Then we went to Lot 1 to walk, since we are bored.
Then we go window shopping in comic connections and playcraft. I was looking at some new games and the others were playing with the console they have there. I went out and saw the XBOX which no one is playing. So i went and play the game, Far Cry: Instinct, i think.
The game is crazy. The guy melee the enemy can send him flying. Then i was shooting the enemies and Gerald said "Minghan always aim for the head." (Wau lau, of course aim head la, if not aim leg meh.) After this, the rest went to Sarimbun to look around the place for night hike and i went home. Got this guy stop me and tell me about what entrepreneurship course and say what in order to pass the course he got to collect $60 by selling paperclips and i can give any amount. I asked him how much does he have now and the answer was $20-30. Looked into my wallet and just gave him $15 dollars. -_-
Aiya, do not know if he is telling the truth. Just give him, if he is telling the truth, good. If not, he shall be punished for this by having a bad karma. Am i been too generous ? -_- Big question....
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:00 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008,
Kind of sad today because there is no Scout meeting. CCA has stand down due to exams, for me it is common test. Scouting is now one of my activity which keeps me away from boredom. However i am glad that there is no meeting today because i need the rest. =D
Just came back from my Exco meeting, which is Exco 7. The meeting is about the district level project we have to do for the Venture Leadership Course. For us Exco 7, we are doing the annual District Campfire. For this districts, it is Bukit Panjang District Campfire.
Gathered today and discussed about the IC for each roles. For me, i became the Secretary for the first time in my scouting life. I am responsible for all the paperworks, invitation letters and sending emails to inform my Exco members about meetings. Of course, i have to note down the agenda for every meeting too. Haha, i am so called working under my District Commissioner, Mr Andrew Chua.
Going for the Patrol Leader Training Camp briefing tomorrow. From 1100 to 1400, 3 hours, don't even know what are they going to brief about. But at least it is going to be 3 hours. Not like the Venture Leadership Course lecture i attended, sat there for 10 whole hours listening to the leadership talks.
Well, i got to go sleep. Meeting Shan Feng at CCK MRT station tomorrow at 0715. =)
Till next time.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:35 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008,
Yesterday before i slept i felt dizziness and thought that i might be ill. Today when i woke up, hell, i was right. The aching of my body i got from my hike got worse...had a slight fever, cough and sore throat. Damn, i am feeling that my body is getting weaker nowadays. Maybe i should have a good rest during the June holidays and cut down on the activities i have. Ahh, don't know what should i do.
Just played Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath yesterday. The expansion pack to Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium War. It tells the story after the second Tiberium war and what happen between the scenes in Tiberium War. Although i am not really a big fan of Real Time Strategy game this game is fun. This expansion pack adds a few new units and introduce 6 new Sub-Factions and each of them have their special units and upgrades. Objective of the game ? Build up your on army and eradicate those who stands in you way. That is for skirmish. For storyline, go for campaign. In this expansion pack, you will play as Nod in campaign, unlike the original where you get to play all 3 factions. The 3 core factions are GDI, NOD and Scrin. Since you are play as Nod, you will be serving under Kane, the leader of the Brotherhood of NOD.
"One Purpose, One Vision."
"Peace Through Power !"
Haha, Nod sure have some good quotes.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:35 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008,
For the first time in FIVE YEARS i study in Bukit Panjang, I WAS LATE FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY !!! Should i be proud of it ? Actually, i wanted to head home after i hear the music for the morning assembly but i thought "Let me try been late for one time, never been late for school before." So i went on ahead. =)But i got to meet Mr Tan tomorrow at 7.30am. Ahhhh, the price for been late. Meeting for a week i think ?
Today when i woke up, i could not move my legs....cramps.... -_- Walk too much from the hike but the pain always enjoyable, haha. So today, i practically limped my day while walking fast. Although i might not seems to be in pain and limping....i am actually doing it. Haha.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:32 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008,
Came back from an overnight hike that was conducted right after the campfire at raffles institution. Didn't slept, hiked from Bishan all the way back to Choa Chu Kang, around 30km. There were 8 checkpoint (In order), Thomson Medical Centre, Newton MRT station, Gleneagle Hospital, Buona Vista MRT station, United World College, Ngee Ann Poly, Bukit Batok Nature Park and Choa Chu Kang MRT station. The hike was fun and of course, tiring. I can't believe i carried my trusty bag that i always carry to school throughout the night and i did scouting 24 hours. Except for a few blisters and muscle strain, there is not really any injury. So tired now, tomorrow still got school. Well got to go do chinese file.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:25 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008,
I do not why the hell but recently our class keeps getting SLAMMED WITH TROUBLES ! Ahhh, do not want to talk about it..... (Dude, i believe you because it happened to my mother once but heck, that guy have to believe. -_- ) now the only solution is to pray, try to mend the mistakes.
Well, i know that throughout my secondary school life people have been calling me anti-social. It is not that i want to be anti-social, just that i find it hard to trust and get along with people whom i do not really know. Besides, i do not want to get into any stupid trouble. So every time i am making a new friend, i am taking a risk. I am not really of a daredevil. Every time i am needed to do something i am afraid to do, i force myself. So call "Force Reaction" or "Force Movement.". Lol, sounds like some kind of Star War move. Haha.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:08 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008,
Well, after one day rest, i went to school today feeling better than usual by just a bit. Taught the sec 3 scouts sailmaker whipping and backsplice. All of them learned sailmaker whipping but all of them got so frustrated learning backsplice and only Wen Rong got it. I must really praise him, he is one of the few that i seen who is able to learn backsplice within one hour. Although i am the knotting "specialist", i took 1 month just to learn this damn thing.
Changed my picture.....again. Although i think that the previous one is nicer.... Haha, must keep my blog look "new" although i always put pictures of aircraft, my favorite. =P Just find them very fascinating and sometimes just get mesmerize by how they is just too.... graceful ? or should i say free...
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:50 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008,
Venture Leadership Camp 08
I am back from the Venture Leadership Camp 2008. Attended a 10 hours talk 2 weeks ago and yesterday was our camp. The camp was average, it is not a leisure camp nor training camp, somewhere in between. Of course, in any camp or event there are bound to be interesting things that happens. Well, only some, unlikely previous camp i have attended, this camp have only a few. By the way, i am Exco 7, lucky number right ?
Rock Climbing.
Heck, all BP ventures climb quite good ESPECIALLY VICTOR TEO ! He climbed to the top of the rock wall. That guy kept saying "I don't want to go." when people ask him to try. Finally when he tried it, he climb all the way to the top. Gerald and I took a more difficult course, the rock wall has a trapezium block on it and it is quite difficult. Well, Gerald managed to climb over it and almost reached the top. Unfortunately, he came down. As for me, i almost climb over the block but i suddenly felt a pain in my nerve and i suddenly let go. Luckily got the belay team, if not i think i might be dead by now.
Tug of War.
Quite a fun activity with high potential of casualty rate. We had to even out the team and choose 4 person among us to play. Since we cannot decide, we play O-ya-pe-ya-som. (Heck, how the hell should i know how to spell this ?) The four person we sent out were Gerald, Chee Hiang, Wei Xiong and Zhi Min. Exco 7 pull like siao and won most of the round but we lost the match just before semi final i think.
Night Hike.
Heck, i am like running out of battery. Too tired, it is like 2300 and we finished this activity at 0130. The "hike" is a very short hike, just got to work a straight path but there are certain "stunt" we need to do. When we are going to the finishing point for the hike. Each Exco have to carry one of their member using whatever safe methods for half of the journey. So for us, they carried me because i weighed the lightest, 52 kg. Although you might think that i am damn relaxed but heck, my back and arm are hurting from the pressure i am exerting on their arms. In the end, Jason piggybacked me all the way till the half of the checkpoint. Lol, they say that i am light just that i have a heavy ass. When for the journey going back to the campsite, we have to form a circle facing outwards and walk half of the journey again. I am so tired that my mind is shut off and i am still walking. Slept at 0200 till 0630 next morning.
There is nothing much for day 2 so i have nothing to post on day 2.
Had a meeting at Bukit Gombak at 7pm. Do not even know if i can survive school tomorrow....Ahh, feeeling so tired now. It hurts moving and finger and arms to type this post now....Got to sleep. Good Night.

(Click for larger picture. XD)
Notice the dark rings we have. Haha.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:21 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008,
I am really bored nowadays. There is no new video games that can keep me entertain except for my brother's PSP, Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core. Been playing the piano more often now and i am trying to learn a new piece, Melodies of Life. To my surprise, going to school keeps me so busy with studying which release me from my boredom temporary, except for some physics.
On Saturday, i am going to Sarimbun for the Venture Leadership Camp till Sunday afternoon and i am going to meet someone at Bukit Gombak at 7pm for orienteering lessons for the Venture Cord Hike....So i think i will be so tried and stressed out that i sleep during school. Next Friday is the school's internal oral, both English and Mother Tongue. Next Saturday, i will be having a night hike from Saturday night till Sunday morning.
May, i will be going back to Samrimbun again to help out in the Patrol Leader Training Course 2008, for First Aid Duty and shit jobs.
June, i will be going the Venture Cord Hike which only have a passing rate of 7%, so it will be tough but i am sure that luck will pass me. See, my life is full of activities right ? Fun, yet energy draining and stressful. Wonder if i will be able to coop up with my studies, think that after a few more weeks or maybe after getting my Venture Scout Standard, i will suspend myself from Scouting for the moment.
My ideal day will be sitting down in a air conditioned room, feeling relaxed, playing my computer and listening to classical musics. (If possible, i would love to spend my day with the one i love. But~~~, that will never happen. XD )
Too tired... but must endure.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
9:27 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008,
Nothing much to post today. So just upload some pictures of my incomplete F-15 Eagle.

How is it incomplete ?
Air Intake is not installed.
Canopy is not installed.
Missiles are not armed.
Tarp Pods (External fuel tank) is not installed.

My F-15C Eagle with my F-14A Tomcat

Picture from Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
Notice the paint job of the F-15C. I tried to paint my F-15 like this and it turns out pretty nice. =) By the way, this is the plane of the main character in the game.
Cipher, Galm team number 1. Also known as the Demon lord of the Round Table.

The picture i took the day when my harrier "crash". Real sad. Right now, it's about 80% restored. Haven't "cement" horizontal and vertical stabilizer...So after i done that, it will be 90% restored and the last 10% is all the small parts i am still finding. =(
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
8:58 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008,
Had my 2.4km run today and i ran slower than last year. Last year i completed 2.4 km at the timing of 9mins + and today, i completed it at the timing of 11mins 07 secs. I think i am getting old and weaker.
Had a Scout meeting today too and i hate it. Why ? Because it made me thought that today is FRIDAY. >=( Saw the videos and pictures we took in the camp and it's was entertaining including the video when Mr Shen entered the Venture's dorm and videoed us sleeping. >_> Today is also the investiture and the sec 1 are officially in the Scout unit and i received my First Class Scout Standard badge today. Supposedly to get it last year but the scout den do not even have a single First Class Scout Standard badge. So it got delay till today. >_>
When i came home and rest for awhile, i decided to bring out my plane models and take a few picture of it and then the worst thing could happen to a assembly yourself plastic model kit happened. I was holding to the wing of my Harrier and IT DROPPED ! When the hit the floor, it breaks into the originally pieces and it flew everywhere.
I went "OH NOOOOOOO ! MY HARRIER !!". All the hard work and effort put into assembling the airplane went down the drain the moment it breaks. Sad......but still and i went crawling on the floor searching for fragments of the airplane, my knees were hurting and i only managed to find some. Then i just start "cementing" right on the spot where it breaks, hoping to restore it. Due to some of the parts there were not found and the time constraint. I had to abandon repairing it and leave it till tomorrow. Requested my mother to look for plastic fragment when she sweeps the floor tomorrow, which i think is my best bet......
Feeling quite sad now. (Hey you guys might think, it's just a plane only but try building one on yourself, spraying paint on it and assembling it. When it breaks, you will feel the pain.) Don't know this is more painful than breaking up in a relationship..........but it certainly hurts. =( Haiz....feeling very tired now, got to sleep. Still got a Executive Committee meeting tomorrow. (I WANT TO REST !!! RARGHHHHH !!!!)
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:25 PM