Thursday, December 31, 2009,
White Glint
It's finally done ! The model that i wanted so much and my brother bought it from Japan for me. Finally it's completely assembled and painted.
This 1/72 scale model is pretty posable and it can change between "modes". From normal to overboosting and using assault armor. There is no assault armor picture shown in the picture because it's just cooling fin coming out, nothing much.
Although there were some hiccups along the way, I felt that this is a masterpiece of mine.
Picture intense !!!
White Glint from Armored Core for Answer

Overboost enabled, seems like the only Armored Core with Fly mode

Weapons (I'm very proud of this because the sliver looks so well painted by hand.) BFF LAW 063ANAR Assault Rifle

Rosenthal RAW 051ANNR Assault Rifle

White Glint doesn't use the MARVE assault rifle, I had this because the Rosenthal RAW 051ANNR comes from the 03 Aaliyah model tree which was included. -.-

It comes with a stand too, how thoughtful of them. =D

The wings open only in fly mode but since this is my model....

That's it ! Finally White Glint is done and it's only 10 mins to new year ! I shall update my blog next year.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:15 PM
My logitech G9X laser mouse.

I'm using this as my laptop mouse while my brother's G5 as my pc mouse. However, I am having holidays now,I might as well use it for my pc. It's a pretty neat mouse.
The user can change grip depending on the situation. The grip that is shown in the picture is the "comfy" grip. It's bigger and has a satin matt feel to it making it more comfy. While that is not shown is the dry grip, it's smaller and rough providing extra grip.
You can also customize the mouse weight up to 28gram. It also has the ability to change the colour of the DPI indicator. Pretty customizable mouse. I like it. =)
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:41 PM
Wednesday, December 30, 2009,
The year is going to be over soon, I better grab the chance to post more stuffs before 2009 ends !
Maybe I should talk a little bit more on this new blog skin of mine. With the help of my sister, she made me my special background and writing board. After that, I spent 2 hours on photoshop, taking pictures from a fansite kit and the net, making the blog picture at the top.
So why this ? I actually planned to beautify my blog a few months ago but I was too lazy and had no idea on what should I do. Until recently, I started replaying Little Big Planet. Sackboy is especially cute and Little Big Planet is pretty colorful in my opinion, so I decided to go ahead with this. I was choosing music between Flirty Cha Cha and Sepia tones (search youtube for the music) for my playlist. In the end, I chose Flirty Cha Cha because it has a catchy tune to it.
So much have happened during the holidays yet I didn't really post anything. Today was my first outing with my poly classmates. We went fishing, I didn't really catch anything except for seaweeds however we had fun joking around and suaning each other. XD
There is also alot of activity going on for scout now. However it's a pity that I might not have enough time for it. My life is pretty boring without scout u know ? I think I will just make do with whatever time I have.
My Armored Core scale model is near completion !!! I'm left with the weapons and stand then I will snap photos happily, post it here and on facebook. Now if there is anyone kind enough to buy an Armored Core Aaliyah Unsung scale model for me ? =D
I think i'm going to post some pictures of my g9x tomorrow. This time for real, I'm finally going to do it. >=(
Homework, homework, I totally forgot about them. Now I'm going rush against time in order to complete it. However, this isn't the first time I am doing this kind of things right ? Xd
I cleared some of my dead links in the my friends section. No point keeping them right ?
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
10:48 PM
Tuesday, December 29, 2009,
Yay !! New blog skin !
I must thank my sister for helping with this.
Now off to sleep. XD
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
1:31 AM
Friday, December 25, 2009,
Merry Christmas.
I just thought of doing this before Christmas is over. I'm planning to do some major updating soon. This blog isn't dead yet. There is just too much things for me to post.
[ Nothing is true, all is Permitted ]
11:14 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009,